Yes, I had to use that line… sorry! Here are a couple snaps from our journey today to Siena and the scenic drive back through the country.
In Siena, everyone hangs their laundry on dry sunny days. Today was absolutely gorgeous and there was laundry everywhere!
It is very early in the year for the farmers to cut hay, but this was freshly cut… amazing scenery, but not a lot of color. I thought it made for a nice black and white.
Gelati today in Siena and a delicious zuppa di farro e fagioli (bean and wheat berry soup), and pici al aglioni (fresh local pasta with garlic tomato sauce) for dinner… Mmmmm!
Your first day sounds wonderful. Makes my mouth water! Your link had an exclamation mark at the end of the web address so it didn’t link directly. You might want to change that….jetlag, I’m sure!