Finally a sunny day! And we’re back early enough to get out another post. We visited a nearby walled village with a tiny church from the 11th century- so cute! I think Joel got some really nice shots today too. Hopefully we’ll have decent weather tomorrow- we’re off to Siena. Ciao! … [Read more...]
Tuscan Rooftops
Here’s a view over some rooftops into the valley. This shot was Joel’s idea- to include the lichen covered rooftops for some contrast with the vibrant greens of the Tuscan countryside. Looks like we’re getting a break in the weather today! It’s a sunny morning, hopefully it will last. Our dinner last night was one of our best yet, homemade gnocchi … [Read more...]
Wine Country
We visited a beautiful walled city complete with a fortress (fortezza) at the top. Admittedly, the sky was a boring shade of gray all day with intermittent rain, so Joel didn’t shoot much. He was able to get some interesting people shots, window boxes and architectural details. The views around the winery we visited were amazing- endless Tuscan … [Read more...]
A Rainy Day
Although the weather has gotten quite rainy, we’re making the best of it. I have to give Joel credit for continuing to get great photos under less than perfect conditions... I guess that’s part of what he’ll be teaching in the workshop! Of course, one of our favorite things about Italy is the food and wine- and we’re certainly making the best of … [Read more...]
We visited a medieval village nearby yesterday and drove around the countryside... beautiful. We're supposed to get more rain today, but we've got umbrellas and it is no less beautiful in the rain- just wet! While driving on some back roads yesterday we saw some local cuisine as well- wild boars- which we later sampled in some pasta sauce for … [Read more...]