Thursday night Joel gave a presentation for the Flagstaff Photography Club. He talked about what to look for during photography critiques, what makes a photograph great instead of mediocre.
Editing your own work is difficult for most people, even pros. Joel always offers critique and review as part of our workshops. Many times a photo can be much better just by moving closer to a subject or if that is not possible, zooming in. Sometimes a photo can be much improved simply by cropping, after the fact, though it is best to do as much in-camera as possible. We are often overwhelmed by what our own eyes take in and want to show it all.
Here’s an example of two images I shot in a village in Provence, France. In the first image, I tried to show too much of the scene. By using a telephoto lens in the second image I more successfully conveyed the feeling of tightly built houses. As Joel often says in our workshops, your portfolio is only as good as your weakest image. Happy editing!
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